Our Blog

Defibrillator Handover

After her fundraising efforts, we were delighted when Alison presented us with a portable Defibrillator to be available at all our events and training days.

BASC Event

14th September In association with BASC, we will be running a training and fun event day on 14th September. The day will include an introduction to Gundog Training Workshop, a Foundation Training Workshop and a Fun Scurry. Please see the Pinxton page of our...

12th May Intermediate Water Training Day

12th May Intermediate Water Training Day included across water retrieves, diagonal across water retrieves to an island, distraction across water retrieves and lots, lots more.

3rd May Fun Scurry

37 handlers tested their skills on the Long Retrieve, Bales Run and Multi Pick Ups. A massive thank you to Sporting Saint and BASC for their sponsorship.

Thoresby Working Intermediate Training Day

Sunday 24th March The day starts at 9.30 am when we meet for drinks/pastries and to discuss the day ahead. Training commences at 10 am with exercises specific to Spaniels and Retrievers. 11.30 am we break for elevenses with hot/cold drinks and sausage rolls. Training...

Here’s Harry

Many of our clients will have followed Harry from a Puppy and we are very pleased that he's now become a FTAW. Our training is geared to the needs of our clients and we run regular field/competition based Workshops and Training Days for both Retrievers and Spaniels.

Working Drop In Classes

We now run 4 Working Drop-In Classes every Tuesday and Thursday. 9.30am - Novice Foundations 11am - Novice Level 2 12.30pm - Novice Level 3 2pm - Intermediate Drop-In Classes cost £12 per Handler/Hour.

Working Test Training Workshops

Our first Working Test Workshops of the year took place Saturday 18th Feb. In the morning, Spaniel handlers were guided through all the stages of a Working Test and were given lots of time to develop their hunting and retrieving skills. In between runs we...

Our First Novice Dummy Launcher Day

Our Novice Dummy Launcher Day included woods, water, stubble and beet. Spaniels hunted in woods and beet whilst Retrievers did static and walk up retrieves.

Dummy Launcher Picking Up Days

Sugar beet, stubble fields and woods await handlers on our Dummy Launcher Picking Up Days.


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07508 654493


